Circles of Hope Habilitation services develop and finetune the skills your loved one needs to live an independent life at home and within the community. From fostering independent living skills such as cooking, cleaning and keeping up with household demands to helping your loved one shop, use public transportation and otherwise engage within the community, Habilitation services give individuals with disabilities the foundational skills they need to succeed in their day-to-day lives.

Respite Care
Circles of Hope Respite Care Services give loved ones and other caregivers a well-deserved break while giving individuals with disabilities high-quality, highly personalized care at home or within the community. Respite Care services give caregivers a chance to rest and recharge by providing temporary or periodic care in the caregiver’s absence and help individuals with disabilities perform day-to-day functions and otherwise navigate their lives and surroundings.
Attendant Care
Circles of Hope Attendant Care services provide direct in-home support for your loved one with an intellectual, developmental, or physical disability. We offer personal care services ranging from bathing, personal grooming and errand-running to house-cleaning, washing and folding clothes, and administering care according to individual plan directions. We tailor our Attendant Care services in line with your loved one’s unique needs and aim to help him or her continue to live comfortably at home or within the community.

Individually Designed Living Arrangement (IDLA)
Circles of Hope Individually Designed Living Arrangement (IDLA): These are adults who live at a residence (e.g. homes or apartments) and need a care provider to attend to them and address their needs such as personal grooming, meal planning/preparation, grocery shopping, housekeeping, and transportation.
New Clients
To learn more about Circles of Hope or sign your loved one up for Habilitation, Attendant Care or Respite Care services, please fill out the form below. A member of our team will respond promptly using the contact information provided.